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Monday, August 19, 2013

Gertboard - Camera Remote Control - Arduino Sketch #2 - Motion Detector

Continued from last post
This final version of the camera remote control project integrates the motion detector and removes the user input. This motion detector is properly called a PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor. It detects heat given off by bodies around it. The sensor is actually split in half. Motion is detected by there being a slight difference in the heat measured by the two halves. An IC mounted on the printed circuit board processes the sensor signals and gives a digital output that we pass to the microcontroller on the Gertboard.
Here is a very informative link about these sensors My sensor is slightly different than the one in that last link. Mine looks exactly like the one you see on Adafruit's web page. It has the advantage of two potentiometers, one to set the sensitivity, the other to set a time delay between the time motion is detected, and the time the output goes to a logic high. I spent a bit of time adjusting the sensitivity. The signal from the motion detector has an LED in the path on the Gertboard (see the block diagram in the introductory post of this project). This LED gives feedback that makes it easier to set the sensitivity.
Here is the new code:
/*This script will contol the remote control for the Canon camera
with a motion control sensor.
Uses 433MHz RF transmitter
Gertboard Connections:
RF transmitter connections:
J25 PB5 to J3 B1
jumper P2 B1 output.
Data out to transmitter connects to J10 BUF 1
Motion Detector connections
Data in from motion detector to J3 B2
jumper P2 B2 output
J10 BUF 2 to J23 PB0
This version uses the motion detector
There is no user input
Martin Lyon,
August 15, 2013
int inByte = 0;
int motiondetect;
boolean motionstate = false;
unsigned int one_pulse = 415; //In Microseconds
// Digital output connected to digital 13 (PB5).
int outpin = 13;
// Input from motion detector connected to digital 8 (PB0)
int inpin = 8;
void transmit(boolean is_high, unsigned int pulses1, unsigned int pulses2)
if (is_high) // if is_high is true, initial pulse is high
digitalWrite(outpin, LOW);
digitalWrite(outpin, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds(pulses1 * one_pulse);
if (pulses2 > 0)
if (is_high)
digitalWrite(outpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(outpin, LOW);
delayMicroseconds(pulses2 * one_pulse);
void send_bits(char pattern[ ])
for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
switch(pattern[i]) // true in below means first pulse is a high
case 'L': // Pulse low, 1 pulse width duration
transmit(false, 1, 0);
case 'H': // Pulse high, 1 pulse width duration
transmit(true, 1, 0);
case 'A': // Pulse low, 1 pulse width; followed by pulse high, 3 pulse widths long
transmit(false, 1, 3);
case 'B': // Pulse high, 3 pulse widths; followed by pulse low, 1 pulse width long
transmit(false, 3, 1);
case 'E': // Pulse high for 8 pulse widths duration
transmit(true, 8, 0);
case 'T':
transmit(true, 34, 0); // Final long high, 34 pulse widths duration
void setup()
//Initialize digital PB5 as an output
pinMode(outpin, OUTPUT);
//Initialize digital PM0 as an input
pinMode(inpin, INPUT);
void loop()
// Main Part of Program
//Set output initially low.
digitalWrite(outpin, LOW);
motiondetect = digitalRead(inpin);
if (motiondetect)
if (!motionstate)
motionstate = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) // send pattern three times
digitalWrite(outpin, LOW);
if (motionstate)
motionstate = false;
I don't think it's necessary to discuss the code further, we covered it pretty well in the last post. The changes should be pretty easy to understand.
I would like to mention that this version does not require the Gertboard, or the Raspberry PI. Once the ATmega device is programmed, it will not lose the program even if it is lifted off the Gertboard and placed on another PCB. Everything can be bundled on a small printed circuit board like Adafruit's Perma-Proto Half-sized Breadboard PCB and placed in a small box with the motion sensor and the RF transmitter. Connect 5V and away you go.

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