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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) of DS18B20 Serial Data

This is a continuation of my last three blog posts.
Maxim has application note 27, "Understanding and Using Cyclic Redundancy Checks with Maxim 1-Wire and iButton Products", that I will refer to here. You can see this here.
If you transmit data from one place to another you want to know that the data arrived unchanged. The cyclic redundancy check is the best way to tell you if the transmission was successful.
We transmit serial data from two sources within the DS18B20: from its Read Only Memory which has the ROM code stored, and from the scratchpad memory. Basically, while transferring data to us, the user, the DS18B20 looks at the data it is sending, one bit at a time, and makes a calculation. The result of that calculation is an additional byte that is tacked on to the data stream. The value of this byte depends solely on the bits that have preceded it in the transmission. This additional byte is the CRC byte. The ROM code is actually 7 bytes long but the CRC byte makes it 8 bytes long. The scratchpad data is 8 bytes long and its CRS makes it 9 bytes long.
My code calculates the CRC as each bit of each byte is received. One of the nice things about CRC, and, this should be kept in mind, is if the transmission was successfully received, my calculation of the CRC will be 0. It's very easy to check for 0 in code. Any result besides 0 means the transmission failed.
How do you calculate CRC? It's hard to put that into words. The mechanism for calculating CRC is generally expressed as an electronic circuit. You can actually build this circuit and calculate the CRC, or you can emulate this circuit in software. I have done the latter in my One_wire_DS18B20 library file. I was surprised how few lines of code it took to write the CRC function. More on this later.

Getting Into Electronic Hardware

Here we go diving into interesting waters. But, I don't know how to otherwise discuss how this all works. So here we go. Maxim gives a representation of the electronic circuit in it's figure 2 of the application note. Here it is:
I have my own version of that figure that shows more detail, especially what is in those boxes called stages:
There are two different kinds of parts here, the boxes are called flip-flops (No connection to the ones you wear to the beach). Let's look at a flip-flop a little more closely:
Why the funny name, flip-flop? The name describes the functionality, perfectly. The output from the part can be made to flip from one state to another. That is, from a high voltage to a low voltage; or, stated another way, from a logic HIGH state to a logic LOW state; or, stated yet another way, from a "1" to a "0". Of course going back in the other direction is just as easy. Flip-flops make up a large part of the circuitry in your computer microprocessor. There are thousands of them. The simplest can be constructed with just two transistors. The flip-flip we are showing here is a bit more complex and is called a D flip-flop. Below the flip-flop, is a timing diagram that plots voltage (vertical) against time (horizontal). When the voltage is at it's high state we call this a logic "1". When the voltage is near 0 volts, we call this a "0". (That is arbitrary, we could call a high voltage a "0" and a low voltage a "1").
We see three signals, or waveforms: "Data", "Clock", and "Output" (we are going to ignore reset). "Data" is the information that is being transmitted serially, one bit at a time. "Clock" is another signal, and when it makes a transition from a "0" to a "1", the logic level the device sees on its "D" pin, will appear at its "Q" pin. We show that the data on the "D" pin is "latched" on the rising edge of "Clock" by those upward arrows on the "Clock" waveform. The first time we see "Clock" going from a low to a high, the "Data" happens to be high (or a "1"). After a really short delay, that "1" appears at the output of the flip-flop. That little delay is important. It is not obvious why here, but will be when we consider more than one flip-flop. If you look at each rising transition you will see the output will mirror what is at the "D" pin. So far, not so interesting. But. wait, let's connect a second flip-flop to the first one.
We connect a second D flip-flop so that its "D" ("D" for data, by the way) pin connects to "Q" of the first one. "Clock" connects to both flip-flops. Now we can see why that little delay is important. When we look at the second time the "Clock" goes from low to high, we see that the "D" pin of the first flip-flop is low, so the output of the first flip-flop wants to go low to follow the input. However, there is a slight delay so it stays high for a little while longer. If that delay was not there, the output of the first flip-flop would be changing at the exact time that "Clock" is latching the data at the input of the second flip-flop. What would the output of the second flip-flop be? A "1" or a "0"? Who knows! That little set-up delay assures that the input of the second flip-flop is a "1" long enough so the "Clock" latches a "1" at the output of the second flip-flop.
Is this circuit any more useful than the first? The usefulness of the circuit will be evident if we add more flip-flops. Let's have a total of 8:
Remember, "Data" is the information coming into the circuit one bit at a time. "Clock" captures that information in the first flit-flop. As new bits arrive, they cascade to the other flip-flops from left to right. Each rising edge of "Clock" shifts the information on "Data" from flip-flop to flip-flop. Thus, this circuit is called a shift register. The flip-flop outputs are labeled "Q7" - "Q0".
The circuit is also called a serial to parallel converter. After shifting in the serial data enough times to get the first bit cascaded down to the last flip-flop, the original eight bit data word is available on "Q7" - "Q0" in parallel format. We could connect "Q7" - "Q0" to other circuitry if we wished.
Why the grayed out areas? We don't have enough information to know if the logic levels in these areas are a "1" or a "0".
My project emulates the shift register in software. Every time we ask for data from the DS18B20, we call on a couple of functions in my 1_Wire library. We emulate "clock" with a "for" loop to shift in each bit of each byte. The "Q7" - "Q0" outputs are represented by an eight bit variable. We call that loop enough times to capture each byte in the message from the DS18B20.
As we shift in each bit, we do a calculation to determine the CRC value. We continue that calculation until the last bit of the last byte of the message has been shifted in from the DS18B20. For example, if we were capturing ROM code, we would capture eight bytes. The last byte of the ROM code is the CRC value (calculated by Maxim). After shifting in all 64 bits, the result of our calculation should be "00000000" (Recall my forth paragraph above).

Enough Background - Getting To The Cyclic Redundancy Check

Let's repeat that figure at the top of this post:
Notice that this is similar to the shift register above. We have added three parts called exclusive OR gates. They each have two inputs on the left and one output on the right. The exclusive OR is one of a series of logic circuits. Some of the others are inverters (also called NOT gates), AND gates, and OR gates. These devices look at the logic levels at their inputs ("1" or "0") and decide what the logic level of their output will be. The output of the inverter is opposite of the input. The output of the AND gate is "0" unless all the inputs are "1". The output of the OR gate is a "1" if any of it's inputs are "1". The output of the exclusive OR gate will be "0" if the logic level of the inputs are the same (both "0" or both "1"). If the inputs are different ("0", "1" or "1", "0") the output will be a "1".
That CRC circuit seems to be a bastardized version of the shift register. The output from the last stage is fed back into the circuit. This circuit is specific to the way Maxim handles the CRC for devices that transfer data in eight bit bytes. They have a different circuit for devices that transfer 16 bit bytes. That circuit has 16 "stages"
The type of CRC circuit is also know by its polynomial, a mathematical expression representing the number of stages, and where, and, how many exclusive ORs are in the circuit. The polynomial for our circuit is shown on the figure above from Maxim's application. It is X8 + X5 + X4 + 1. This means we take the output of the forth, fifth, and eighth stage as inputs to our exclusive OR gates. There are other schemes with different number of exclusive OR gates that feedback to different stages. These have different polynomials.
The mathematics of the cycle redundancy check is quite involved and I won't begin to discuss it here. There is plenty of in-depth information on the web. Let's move on to the final discussion of implementing the CRC in software.

Calculating the CRC in Software and in Our Equivalent Circuit

The following code is taken from my calculateCRC_byte function found in my One-Wire_DS18B20 library.
/* Calculates CRC based upon Maxim's 8 bit polynimia X^8 + X^5 + X^4 + 1.
Data is read starting at the least significant bit. MJL 071014
void calculateCRC(byte inByte[], int num_bytes){
int crc = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_bytes; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++){
if ((crc % 2) ^ (inByte[i] %2)){
crc ^= 0b100011000;
crc ^= 0b000000000;
crc >>= 1;
inByte[i] >>= 1;
The Equivalent CRC Circuit diagram contains the value of the CRC in the eight bits of "Q7" - "Q0". Note, however, the sketch variable "CRC" is an int, not a byte, making it 16 bits long. The reason "CRC" is 16 bits long is due to lines 11 and 14 of the sketch. On those lines, "CRC" is operated upon by a value that is nine bits long. Hence, "CRC" must be longer than 8 bits. When we reach the bottom of the function, the top eight bits of "CRC" will always be "00000000". The lower eight bits will be equivalent to "Q7" - "Q0" in the circuit. The top eight bits will also be "00000000" when we arrive at the "IF" statement in line 10.
The sketch has two loops, an outer loop for the number of bytes we send to the function, and an inner loop that runs eight times, once for each bit of the incoming byte, "inByte[i]".

Lines 9 Through 15 of the Code

Comparing the equivalent circuit to the sketch, the "IF" statement in line 10 implements, exactly, the exclusive OR gate on the left of the equivalent circuit. Let's look at that statement closely:
"if ((CRC % 2) ^ (inByte[i] % 2)){"
The "%" operator is called a modulo. The result of the modulo operation is the remainder after dividing whatever is to the left of the operator by whatever is to the right of the operator. In this case, we divide the current value of the variable "CRC" by 2. If the value of the variable "CRC" is even, the modulo will be "0". If odd, the module will be "1". Whether or not "CRC" is even or odd depends solely upon the value of its least significant bit (last bit on the right). Therefore, the value of "CRC % 2" is the value of the least significant bit of "CRC".
The CRC Equivalent Circuit holds the value of the CRC on its outputs "Q7" - "Q0". Applying the same argument as in the last paragraph, "CRC % 2" is the value of "Q0", the least significant bit of the CRC stored in the flip-flops.
Using what we learned above, "inByte[i] % 2", will give us the value of the least significant bit of the data byte, "inByte[i]". This is exactly the same as the current value of "Data" in the CRC Equivalent Circuit.
The symbol "^", in the "IF" statement, sitting between the two modulo expressions, is the bitwise exclusive OR operator. Because, "Q0" and "Data" connect to the exclusive OR at the left of the equivalent circuit, the entire "IF" statement is equivalent to that same exclusive OR gate. The result of the "IF" statement is precisely the same as the output of the left-hand exclusive OR gate. From our discussion of how the exclusive OR works, if the value of the least significant bit of the variable "CRC" and the value of the least significant bit of the array "inByte[i]" are the same (both "0" or both "1"), the result of the "IF" statement will be "0", otherwise (one is a "0" and the other a "1") the result will be a "1". In the same manner, if the value of "Q0" and the value of "Data" are the same, the output of the exclusive OR gate in the equivalent circuit will be "0". If different, the value will be "1". This output is the input to the first flip-flop at the left of the circuit, and one of the inputs of the other two exclusive OR gates in the equivalent circuit.
We described of the exclusive OR gate as being a "0" if its inputs were the same and a "1" if they were different. We used that description to evaluate the "IF" statement and the output of the exclusive OR at the left of the equivalent circuit. There is another useful way to look at an exclusive OR gate, and we will use that way in the following discussion. We can look at one input of an exclusive OR as a control input that controls the relationship between the second input and the output of the gate. If this control input is a "0", the output of the exclusive OR will follow the other input. If the control is a "1", the output will be opposite of the input (A "0" becomes a "1" and a "1" becomes a "0").
The result of the "IF" statement controls which of the two operations we apply to the value of "CRC" (either line 11 or line 14). We either exclusive OR "CRC" with "100011000" or "000000000". In our new way to look at the exclusive OR gate, those two series of nine bits are the control inputs to nine exclusive OR gates. They control what happens to value of the variable "CRC" at that point in the sketch. We can call them a control word.
Let's operate on a sample byte to see what those control bits do:
011010101 Sample 011010101
000000000 Control Word 100011000
011010101 Result 111001101
Note that when the control word is "000000000", there is no change to the sample, the result is the same as the sample.
I said the nine bit control word was like having nine exclusive ORs. But, six of those bits are always "0", both in line 11 and line 14. Consequently, we can replace those six exclusive ORs with direct connections, meaning there are only three exclusive ORs. This happens to be the same number of exclusive OR gates in our equivalent circuit. In fact, they are in the same relative positions. The most significant bit of our control word corresponds to the left-hand exclusive OR gate. The two bits of the control word that can change, are in exactly the same place as the other two exclusive OR gates in the circuit.
The purpose of the exclusive ORs are to modify the value of CRC existing at "Q7" - "Q0", or the value of the variable "CRC", before there is further processing. If the control word is "000000000", there will be no change in the value of "CRC". Since, the effect of exclusive ORing "CRC" with "000000000" is no effect at all, lines 13 - 15 of the sketch are superfluous. They do not appear in my actual code. I only added them here because it made explanations easier.
Let's look at the output of our exclusive ORs, be they in the sketch or the equivalent circuit. Exclusive ORing with "000000000" was the result of the output of the "IF" statement being "0". Let's see what happens to the equivalent circuit when the output of the left-hand exclusive OR is "0". First, the input to the left-hand flip-flop will be "0". The output of the left-hand exclusive OR also connects to an input of the other two exclusive ORs. Let's consider the output of the left-hand exclusive OR to be the control input to the other two flip-flops. If this control input is "0", the output of the two flip-flops ("Q4" and "Q3") will be the same as their other inputs, meaning there will be no change to the CRC.
When the output of the "IF" statement is "1" we will modify the value of the variable "CRC" with "100011000". At the equivalent circuit, the output of the left-hand exclusive OR will be a "1". The effect will be that the input of the left-hand flip-flop will be "1" and the control input to the other two exclusive ORs will be a "1". This will cause the "X4" to be of the opposite logic level of "Q4" and "X3" to be of the opposite logic level of "Q3". In other words, we have flipped those two bits.

Lines 16 and 17 of the Code

"Whew", we now have the variable "CRC", and the inputs of those flip-flops, set up for the next operation.
In the equivalent circuit, the signal labeled "Clock", which has been at "0" will briefly go to a "1" and back to "0". As in our discussion of the shift register, the logic level at the inputs of those flip-flops will now appear at the outputs of the flip-flops. This has the effect of shifting the current value of CRC down one position. Sometime after that, the value of "Data" will have the next bit of the serial data coming into the circuit.
Our sketch has an exact equivalent to the "clock" signal. That equivalent is line 16: "CRC >>= 1;". This operation will take the value of "CRC" and shift all 16 bits down one bit position to the right. A "0" will be shifted into the most significant bit of "CRC".
The next line, line 17, shifts the eight bits of "inByte[i]"down one bit to the right. A "0" will be shifted into the most significant bit. The operations of lines 16 and 17, are directly comparable to applying the clock to the flip-flops, and introducing the next data bit, in the equivalent circuit.

An Example

Let's take an example of two bytes and walk them through the sketch. Let's assume the two bytes are "10110100" and "01010011". If I run "10110100" through the sketch, by itself, the resulting CRC will be "0000000001010011". If we ignore the top 8 bits, the CRC is the same as the second byte we will pass to the sketch. Since the second byte is the same as the CRC of the first byte, the final CRC should be "0000000000000000", after processing both bytes.
First Byte 1:
i j inByte[i] CRC CRC Before Right Shift
0 0 10110100 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0 1 01011010 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0 2 00101101 0000000000000000 0000000100011000
0 3 00010110 0000000010001100 0000000010001100
0 4 00001011 0000000001000110 0000000101011110
0 5 00000101 0000000010101111 0000000010101111
0 6 00000010 0000000001010111 0000000101001111
0 7 00000001 0000000010100111 0000000010100111
0 7 00000000 0000000001010011 <-After the Final Shift
Now Byte 2:
i j inByte[i] CRC CRC Before Right Shift
1 0 01010011 0000000001010011 0000000001010011
1 1 00101001 0000000000101001 0000000000101001
1 2 00010100 0000000000010100 0000000000010100
1 3 00001010 0000000000001010 0000000000001010
1 4 00000101 0000000000000101 0000000000000101
1 5 00000010 0000000000000010 0000000000000010
1 6 00000001 0000000000000001 0000000000000001
1 7 00000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
1 7 00000000 0000000000000000 <-After the Final Shift
The DS18B20 transmits data least significant bit first. If you had an application that transmits most bit significant first you would have to modify the "IF" statement. Assuming the data coming in is 8 bits in length, you could replace "inByte[i] % 2", with "inByte[i] > 127". Also, "inByte[i] >>= 1" would be replaced with "inByte[i] <<= 1". If the CRC is calculated using a different polynomial, you would have to modify line 11 accordingly.
Feel free to download and experiment with this sketch. You can enter as many bytes as you wish. Just add some print statements and setup() and loop() to feed the function.

Monday, July 7, 2014

DS18B20 Connected Using Parasitic Power

This is a continuation of my last two blog posts.

Parasitic Power and 1-Wire Devices

The 1-Wire devices have three pins, one for power, one for ground, and one for data. However, it is possible to connect the device without connecting to a source of power. In that case, both the ground and power pins are connected to ground. That simplifies cabling as it is only necessary to run two wires instead of three. A device connected in this matter is said to be connected using parasitic power. The device gets its power, parasitically, from the data line. And, the data line is powered through a 4.7K pull-up resistor to the power source (5V for the Arduino). That relatively high value of resistance still allows the Arduino or a DS18B20 to pull the data line to a low logic state (near ground). That arrangement is sufficient to power the device for all operations except when the device is undergoing temperature conversion and when writing from the scratchpad to the device's EEPROM (not the ATmega EEPROM). For those operations, the device may draw as much as 1.5mA. That's not a lot of current, but still more than can be supplied through that pull-up resistor. For those two operations, we connect the data line, directly, to the power source. Of course, once we do that, we can't have any other operation going on that requires a transfer of data in either direction (can't pull the data line low).

Parasitic Power Control Circuit

Obviously, we need a switch to control when we connect the data line to the power source. The switch I devised can be seen in the figure below:
My switch is the 2N5087 PNP transistor. Why that transistor? I just happened to have a couple. The transistor can supply about 100ma., so more than 67 parasitically connected devices could sit on the bus. Sparfun has a 2N3906 which should work just as well. Actually, this one will sink 200ma. If you are interested, Sparkfun has a tutorial about how transistors operate. Look here.
Once a low voltage (near 0) is applied through the 1K resistor to the base of the transistor, the transistor "turns on" making a near short circuit between the collector (connected to the power source) and the emitter (connected to the the data line). I use an Arduino pin to control the transistor (PB1 in my case). When I want the switch to be off, I program PB1 to be an input. As an input, the Arduino can not supply any current to the transistor's base-emitter junction so the transistor can not turn on. When I want the switch on, I program the logic level at PB1 to be LOW and program the pin to be an output.

Detecting Devices Connected Using Parasitic Power

It is not necessary to keep track of the devices that are connected using parasitic power. You can use the library function command read_power_supply(). Like all function commands it must be preceded by initialization(), and either match_rom() or skip_rom(). Function match_rom() will address only one device - the one with the ROM code you pass to it. If that device is connected with parasitic power it will pull the data line low. If skip_rom() is employed, ANY device connected with parasitic power will pull the data line low.

Programming Consequences of Devices Connected Using Parasitic Power

In my library function Convert_t(), if a device is not connected using parasitic power, I let the device inform my code when the convert operation is complete. The device will pull the data line to a logic LOW while the conversion is taking place. My library function reads the data line every millisecond. When a logic HIGH is read my code can move on and do its next operation. According to the data sheet, the resolution at 12 bits should take no more than 750ms. I found that the conversion is done in about 550ms. at 12 bit resolution.
If using parasitic power, the device can not pull the data line low because of the hard pull-up. The only option is to pass the resolution to the convert_t() function and use a delay() statement to give the device enough time to make the conversion. To be sure enough time is given, I use the specification in the data sheet.
You can look at my Read_Temperature.ino sketch to see more of my implementation of parasitic power. It is one of my files on GitHub, but you can see it here.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

My 1-Wire Arduino Library for DS18B20 Temperature Sensor

This is a continuation of my last blog post.

The Include File For the 1-Wire DS18B20 Library

This 1-wire library will work equally well with an Arduino and a Gertboard.
Please see Maxim's datasheet for this device to understand the
functionality of the 1-wire interface and the device itself.
MJL - 07/02/14
#ifndef DS18B20_INTERFACE_H
#define DS18B20_INTERFACE_H
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <avr/io.h>
/* Clock factor is to correct delayMicrosecond. For Gertboard use .67.
For Arduion use 1 */
#define CLOCK_FACTOR 1.0
/* We need to define which ATmega328 pins to use to control the
DS18B20s and the hard pull-up for parasitic operation. See Atmega328 datasheet
pages 91 and 92 register names. This controls the following 10 selections: */
/*PORT_PIN and PORT_PIN_1 are the numbers of the ATmega328 pin within the port you have
selected. The choices are 0 - 7. PB5 would be 5 */
#define PORT_PIN 0 //For DS18B20 data pins
#define PORT_PIN_1 1 //For Hard Pull-up transistor
/* DDR is the data direction register for ATmega328 pins you select.
Choices are DDRB, DDRC, and DDRD */
#define DDR DDRB //For DS18B20 data pins
#define DDR_1 DDRB //For Hard Pull-up transistor
/* PORT is the port data register controlling the ATmega328
pinS you have connected to the DS18B20 and the hard pull-up transistor.
Choices are PORTB, PORTC, and PORTD */
#define PORT PORTB //For DS18B20 data pins
#define PORT_1 PORTB //For Hard Pull-up transistor
/* PIN is the input register for the ATmega328 pin you select for the DS18B20 devices. Not necessary
for hard pull-up transistor.
Choices are PINB, PINC, and PIND */
#define PIN PINB
/*DATAMASK selects the ATmega328 pin you have selected to connect to the
DS18B20. Not necessary for hard pull-up transistor.
For example, if you are using pin PB3, use 0b00000100 */
#define DATAMASK 0b00000001
class DS18B20_INTERFACE{
boolean calculateCRC_byte(byte inByte[], int num_bytes);
boolean initialize();
void read_rom(byte rom_value[]);
void skip_rom();
void match_rom(byte rom_value[]);
void read_scratchpad(byte scratchpad_value[]);
int convert_t(boolean parasitic, int resolution);
void write_scratchpad(byte alarm_and_configuration[]);
int search_rom(byte Rom_no[], int LastDiscrepancy);
int alarm_search(byte Rom_no[], int LastDiscrepancy);
void copy_scratchpad(boolean parasitic);
int recall_eeprom();
boolean read_power_supply();
void master_write0();
void master_write1();
void write_byte(byte dataword);
byte master_read();
byte read_byte();
int search_device(byte Rom_no[], int LastDiscrepancy, byte code);
At the top of the file are #define statements to account for your hardware set-up. Unless you use the same hardware choices I made, you make the appropriate changes to the file and save the file.
The first #define is for CLOCK_FACTOR. I reported in an earlier post that the delayMicroseconds(), Arduino IDE, function is not accurate when using the Gertboard. I tested this thoroughly, at different values, using an oscilloscope. My results show that you must divide the desired delay by 0.67 to get an accurate delay. Consequently, if you use the Gertboard, make the clock_factor 0.67. Select 1.0 for the Arduino. The difference is caused by the 12MHz clock frequency of the Gertboard compared to 16MHz of the Arduino. The delay() function requires no correction.
The rest of the #defines relate to the selection of the two Arduino data pins you select. One pin is the data pin for the 1-wire bus, and the other is the pin that controls the transistor for parasitic power. I will have a post devoted to the parasitic power transistor circuit. Hopefully, my comments, in the file, are enough to guide you through the selections.
If you use the Gertboard you can take the pin names as they appear by the J28 connector (PB1 for example). These are the same designations as used in the ATmega's data sheet, and, more importantly, the same designation as used in the avr/io.h include file. If you use the Arduino, where pin numbers are 0 to 13, you will need to convert them to the ATmega numbers.
Arduino ATmega Arduino Atmega Arduino Atmega
0 PD0 5 PD5 10 PB2
1 PD1 6 PD6 11 PB3
2 PD2 7 PD7 12 PB4
3 PD3 8 PB0 13 PB5
4 PD4 9 PB1
The rest of the file declares the functions in the library source file. These are the public functions, those that can be called from a sketch, and the private functions, those that are not available from sketches.

The Soruce File For the 1-Wire DS18B20 Library

Please see Maxim's datasheet for this device to understand the functionality of
the 1-wire interface and the device itself.
To understand the functions in this file, it important that you know how
ATmega328 register programming is done.
Please visit my blog entry of January 19, 2014, "Gertboard - Programming With
ATmega Registers", subtitled "Arduino IDE Built-in Functions Vrs. Direct Register
MJL - 07/02/14
#include "One_wire_DS18B20.h"
#include "Arduino.h"
/* A "0" is written to the DS18B20 by the pulling the data pin low for 60usec.
and then releasing it (make data pin an input). An additional 7usec. makes
this operation one time slot long. */
void DS18B20_INTERFACE::master_write0(){
PORT &= ~(1 << PORT_PIN); //Data pin = 0
DDR |= (1 << PORT_PIN); //Data pin is OUTPUT
delayMicroseconds(60 / CLOCK_FACTOR);
DDR &= ~(1 << PORT_PIN); //Data pin is INPUT
delayMicroseconds(7 / CLOCK_FACTOR);
/* A "1" is written to the DS18B20 by the pulling the data pin low for 13usec.
and then releasing it (make data pin an input). An additional 54usec. makes
this operation one time slot long. */
void DS18B20_INTERFACE::master_write1(){
PORT &= ~(1 << PORT_PIN); //Data pin = 0
DDR |= (1 << PORT_PIN); //Data pin is OURPUT
delayMicroseconds(13 / CLOCK_FACTOR);
DDR &= ~(1 << PORT_PIN); //Data pin is INPUT
delayMicroseconds(54 / CLOCK_FACTOR);
/* Writing a byte is done least significant bit first. The least significant bit
is tested by seeing if the byte is even or odd using modulo 2. If odd,
master_write1 is called, if not, master_write0 is called. A right shift is done
to move all the bits down one position. This is repeated until all 8 bits are handled. */
void DS18B20_INTERFACE::write_byte(byte dataword){
for (int i=0; i<8; i++){
if (dataword % 2){
dataword >>= 1;
/* This constitutes a read timeslot and reads one bit sent by the DS18B20. The
data pin is pulled low for 5 usec. then released. Data pin is read 6 usec. later
to determine if the DS18B20 has pulled it low or left it high. Time slot continues
for 50usec. more. */
byte DS18B20_INTERFACE::master_read(){
byte ret_val;
PORT &= ~(1 << PORT_PIN); //Datapin = 0
DDR |= (1 << PORT_PIN); //Datapin is OUTPUT
delayMicroseconds(5 / CLOCK_FACTOR);
DDR &= ~(1 << PORT_PIN); //Datapin is INPUT
delayMicroseconds(6 / CLOCK_FACTOR);
ret_val = PIN & DATAMASK; //Read input register and mask for your pin
delayMicroseconds(50 / CLOCK_FACTOR);
return ret_val;
/* Since the DS18B20 transmits least significant bit first, each bit is entered
as a "0" or "1" in the most significant bit position and all the bits are shifted
right one position. Repeated until all 8 bits are read.*/
byte DS18B20_INTERFACE::read_byte(){
byte dataword = 0;
for (int i=0; i<8; i++){
dataword >>= 1;
if (master_read()){
dataword += 0b10000000;
return dataword;
Function called by search_rom() and alarm_search(). This does the actual work
required of these functions. The only difference between search_rom() and
alarm_search() is they pass different command codes, or what Maxim calls protocol.
This function runs the basic algorithm as outlined in Maxim's Application
Note 187, "1-Wire Search Algorithm". The variable names, as much as possible
are the same as found in the application note. Function finds one device and stores
it's code in the array Rom_no. It returns the variable LastDescrepanvy.
If this function is called from search_rom(), the application script will call
this function once for each device on the bus. If called from alarm_search(),
the application script will call this function once for each device whose
temperature is out of tolerance. However, it will be called at least once.
The eight byte array, Rom_no[] will contain the ROM code of the device that was
found by the scan. The same Rom_no[] is passed into the function when it is called
by the application code. The other variable, LastDiscrepancy is passed recursively
into the function and is returned by the function when it exits. When LastDiscrepancy
returns a zero to the application script, it signals the script that no other devices
will be found.
The first time the function is run, Rom_no must be set to eight zeros and LastDiscrepancy
to 0.
int DS18B20_INTERFACE::search_device(byte Rom_no[], int LastDiscrepancy, byte code){
int Rom_byte_mask;
int Rom_bit_mask;
boolean LastDeviceFound = false;
byte search_direction;
int bit_number;
int last_zero;
byte id_bit, cmp_id_bit;
Rom_byte_mask = 0; //To access the correct byte in Rom_no
Rom_bit_mask = 0; //To access correct bit in Rom_no
last_zero = 0;
bit_number = 1;
write_byte(code); //send code for search command
do { //Do Until All 64 Bits Are Accessed
id_bit = master_read();
cmp_id_bit = master_read();
if (id_bit == cmp_id_bit){ //There is a discrepancy
if (bit_number == LastDiscrepancy){
search_direction = 1;
else if (bit_number > LastDiscrepancy){
search_direction = 0;
last_zero = bit_number;
else{ // bit_number must be less that LastDiscrepancy
//Take on the value of same bit in Rom_no
if (Rom_no[Rom_byte_mask] & (1 << Rom_bit_mask)){
search_direction = 1;
search_direction = 0;
last_zero = bit_number;
else{ //There is no discrepancy
search_direction = id_bit;
//We are at the compare stage, write to the device, one bit. Some devices may drop out
if (search_direction){
//Now write that same bit into ROM ID at the present byte and bit position
if (search_direction){
Rom_no[Rom_byte_mask] |= (1 << Rom_bit_mask); //Set bit to 1
Rom_no[Rom_byte_mask] &= ~(1 << Rom_bit_mask)); //Set bit to 0
Rom_bit_mask++; //Shift to the next bit position in the ROM ID
//If we have gone beyond the byte boundary, move to the next byte
if (Rom_bit_mask > 7){
Rom_bit_mask = 0;
}while (bit_number < 65);
LastDiscrepancy = last_zero;
return LastDiscrepancy;
/* This function can be called by the user but is not a ROM Command or a
Function Command as outlined in the DS18B20 datasheet.
The CRC is checked after reading the ROM code and reading the scrathpad.
The DS18B20 device appends its internal calculation of the CRC as the last byte
of the ROM code and the scratchpad. If the result of the CRC is "0", after
passing in all the bits the CRC passes. */
boolean DS18B20_INTERFACE::calculateCRC_byte(byte inByte[], int num_bytes){
byte workingByte[num_bytes];
boolean failure = false;
int crc = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_bytes; i++){
workingByte[i] = inByte[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++){
if ((crc % 2) ^ (workingByte[i] %2)){
crc ^= 0b100011000;
crc >>= 1;
workingByte[i] >>= 1;
if (crc) failure = true;
return failure;
/*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ROM Commands >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*/
/* ROM Command called by user.
Initialization precedes all command sequences. The data pin is pulled low for
500us. then the pin switched to input. After 75usec. the data pin is read.
If "0" is read, initialization passes. The entire initialization process is
programmed to take 1ms. */
boolean DS18B20_INTERFACE::initialize(){
boolean failure = false;
int ret_val;
PORT &= ~(1 << PORT_PIN); //Data pin = 0
DDR |= (1 << PORT_PIN); //Data pin is OUTPUT
delayMicroseconds(500 / CLOCK_FACTOR);
DDR &= ~(1 << PORT_PIN); //Data pin is INPUT
delayMicroseconds(75 / CLOCK_FACTOR); //Making this 600 will cause failure.GOOD
ret_val = PIN & DATAMASK; //Read input register and mask for your pin
delayMicroseconds(425 / CLOCK_FACTOR);
if (ret_val == 1) failure = true; //if true device did not pull data pin down
return failure;
/* ROM Command called by user. Preceded by initialize().
WARNING: Do not use this function if more than one device is connected to the
1-wire bus.
The ROM code is 8 bytes long including the CRC byte. Eight bytes are read from
the DS18B20. Each byte becomes an element in an array. The CRC should be checked
after this function.
void DS18B20_INTERFACE::read_rom(byte rom_value[]){
for (int i=0; i<8; i++){
rom_value[i] = read_byte();
/* ROM command called by user. Preceded by initialize().
Skip ROM allows commands to be sent without sending the ROM contents. Useful
for commanding all devices perform temperature conversion if followed by
convert_t(). */
void DS18B20_INTERFACE::skip_rom(){
/* ROM command called by user. Preceded by initialize().
Match rom precedes most Function Commands. It is the method that selects the
device the user wishes to address. The only alternative ROM commands that can
precede a Function Command are skip_rom(), if you want to address multiple
devices or read_rom(), used if there is no more than one device on the bus. */
void DS18B20_INTERFACE::match_rom(byte rom_value[]){
for (int i=0; i<8; i++){
/* ROM command called by user. Preceded by initialize().
Real work of this function is done by search_device.
int DS18B20_INTERFACE::search_rom(byte Rom_no[], int LastDiscrepancy){
LastDiscrepancy = search_device(Rom_no, LastDiscrepancy, 0xF0);
return LastDiscrepancy;
/* ROM command called by user. Preceded by initialize().
Real work of this function is done by search_device.
int DS18B20_INTERFACE::alarm_search(byte Rom_no[], int LastDiscrepancy){
LastDiscrepancy = search_device(Rom_no, LastDiscrepancy, 0xEC);
return LastDiscrepancy;
/*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function Commands >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*/
/* Function Command called by user. Must be preceded by match_rom(), skip_rom(),
or if there is only one device on the bus, read_rom(). Generally, a read_scratchpad()
is called after this function.
This commands the DS18B20 to make a voltage reading, convert that reading to
temperature, and store that value in the two most significant bytes of the scratchpad.
For non-parasitic operation, after writing the code to command the convert temperature
process, a read timeslot is initiated every ms. Once a "1" is received, the function
exits with the number of ms. returned to the calling program. If the number of ms.
is zero (data pin never went to "0"), the conversion never took place. If it stays "0"
for more than 2 seconds, the function does not wait any longer and exits.
The conditions of zero time or time greater than 2000 should be tested
for by the calling program and declared a failed situation.
For parasitic operation, the DS18B20'S data pin must be held high for the duration of the
maximum time specified for each resolution. The resistor pull-up does not provide
sufficient current for that operation so a transistor is turned on that pulls the DS18B20's
data pin up to Vcc. This is called a hard pull-up. In parasitic mode, the function
does not return anything.
int DS18B20_INTERFACE::convert_t(boolean parasitic, int resolution){
if (parasitic){
//Data pin for hard pull-up pulled low
PORT_1 &= ~(1 << PORT_PIN_1);
//Pin controlling hard pull-up is output turning transistor on
DDR_1 |= (1 << PORT_PIN_1);
delay(94 * pow(2, (resolution - 9)));
//Pin controlling hard pull-up is input turning transistor off
DDR_1 &= ~(1 << PORT_PIN_1);
byte value;
int count = -1;
if (count > 2000){
value = master_read();
} while (value == 0);
return (count);
/*Function Command called by user. Must be preceded by match_rom(), or if there is
only one device on the bus, skip_rom(), or read_rom().
read_scratchpad reads 9 bytes from the DS18B20. The last byte is the CRC byte.
The 9 bytes become elements in an array. The CRC should be checked after this
function. */
void DS18B20_INTERFACE::read_scratchpad(byte scratchpad_value[]){
for (int i=0; i<9; i++){
scratchpad_value[i] = read_byte();
/* Function Command called by user. Must be preceded by match_rom(), skip_rom(),
or if there is only one device on the bus, read_rom().
This command writes three bytes to the scratchpad. The first byte is the upper
temperature threshold, the second is the lower temperature threshold, and the third
is the configuration byte. The configuration byte has only two useful bits and
they are used to set the resolution as 9, 10, 11, or 12 bits.
void DS18B20_INTERFACE::write_scratchpad(byte alarm_and_configuration[]){
for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
/* Function Command called by user. Must be preceded by match_rom(), skip_rom(),
or if there is only one device on the bus, read_rom().
Copies the contents of bytes 2, 3, and 4 of the scratchpad to the device's eeprom.
Those three bytes represent, respectively, upper alarm temperature, lower alarm
temperature, and the configuration register that contains the resolution.
For non-parasitic mode it is enough to just send the command. However, for parasitic
mode, it is necessary to use the hard pull-up to pull the data pin to the positive
rail for 10ms. The hard pull-up consists of the pnp transistor controlled by the
ATmega device. This will be done in the same way as is done in the convert_t() function.
void DS18B20_INTERFACE::copy_scratchpad(boolean parasitic){
if (parasitic){
//Data pin for hard pull-up pulled low
PORT_1 &= ~(1 << PORT_PIN_1);
//Pin controlling hard pull-up is output turning transistor on
DDR_1 |= (1 << PORT_PIN_1);
delay(10); //delay 10ms.
//Pin controlling hard pull-up is input turning transistor off
DDR_1 &= ~(1 << PORT_PIN_1);
/* Function Command called by user. Must be preceded by match_rom(), skip_rom(),
or if there is only one device on the bus, read_rom().
Copies the alarm high, alarm low, and configuration register from the DS18B20's
eeprom to the device's scratchpad.
After writing the command, a read timeslot is initiated every ms. Once a "1" is
received, the function exits with the number of ms. returned to the calling
program. If the number of ms. is zero (data pin never went to "0"), the process never
took place. If it stays "0" for more than 2 seconds, the function does not wait
any longer and exits.
The conditions of zero time or time greater than 2000ms. should be tested
for by the calling program and declared a failed situation.
It may be rare that it is necessary to call this function as the device preforms this
operation upon power-up.
int DS18B20_INTERFACE::recall_eeprom(){
byte value;
int count = -1;
if (count > 2000){
value = master_read();
} while (value == 0);
return (count);
/* Function Command called by user. Must be preceded by match_rom(), skip_rom(),
or if there is only one device on the bus, read_rom().
Purpose is to determine if a device is connected to the bus using parasitic power.
User may determine if ANY device is connected using parasitic power by preceding call
to this function by calling skip_rom(). User may also determine if a particular
device is connected using parasitic power by preceding call to this function with
match_rom(). If only one device is connected to the bus, read_rom() could preceed the
call to this function. That has not been tested because it is kind of silly. User
should know how his one device is connected without this function.
After issuing command function calls master_read() which is the equivalent of
read timeslot (datasheet terminology). Any device that is connected for parasitic
power will pull the bus low making master_read() return "0" or false. If all devices
are conventionally powered, master_read() will return a non "0", or true.
Returns boolean true or false according to the master_read() results.
boolean DS18B20_INTERFACE::read_power_supply(){
Most of the functions are short. Their comments are longer than the code. You will have to be familiar with ATmega register programming and bit manipulation. I have tutorial on useing direct register programming here.
In the next several posts, I'll go into some detail on the search_device() and calculateCRC_byte() functions. But, first, I need to address parasitic power and what to do about it. That's next.